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Writer's pictureDunsmuir Hardware

If I Had A Hammer

Updated: Feb 27, 2020

In Work and Life the Keys to Success are the Same...

Most likely it was man's first tool. Archaeologists say that about 3.3 million years ago, some early guy (or gal) picked up a rock and used it to hit something. Maybe a bone to break it open for the marrow inside, maybe a branch to break off and throw on the fire, maybe to crack a nut for the tasty inside. You can be sure that - if not that first time - but at some time they bashed their fingers in the process. OUCH!

but that hammer/stone was a breakthrough in evolutionary tool use. For ages after that it was used for many purposes, including pounding tent pegs, dressing hides, breaking other stones to make other tools, and you can be sure that fingers continued to get bashed! Finally, about 30,000 years ago, some cave do-it-yourselfer decided to get their fingers out of the way by putting a handle on the stone, and hurrah, the first actual hammer was born. They probably discovered that the handle made the tool more powerful too, as it could be swung with more force.

At first, handles were tied to the hammerhead with vines or straps of hiding, it was much later before a hole or "eye" was bored into the head for a more secure fit to the handle. Of course, the handle was made of bone or wood, which became the handle of choice through the ages, up to the present day, but the hammerhead evolved through the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, the Iron Age and to the Industrial Age with its steel and metal alloys. We haven't seen a Digital Age hammer yet...or have we?

The first metal hammer producers were the village blacksmiths, and they were also the first metallurgists, using sometimes secret processes for adding carbon to five the metal temper, hardness, and durability. Forged hammerheads pounded out on the anvil were far superior to cheaper cast heads made by pouring molten iron into a mold. A cast head is more likely to chip and mushroom. In those early days, a hammer was a precious tool.

Handles were made of a favored wood and the family hammer was passed on from father to son. Wood is still preferred over steel or fiberglass, as it is more shock absorbent, lighter, and provides a good balance.

Hand-forged hammerheads continued to be the standard well into the 1800s. specialized hammers were developed for barrel making, carpentry, horseshoeing, bricklaying, shoemaking, and many other uses. At its peak, one American hammer manufacturer produced over 250 types and sizes.

A good hammer is still a tool that is valued and cared for by its owner. At Dunsmuir Hardware, we carry a variety of hammers, from a little 5oz. tack hammer to an 8lb sledgehammer. We have framing hammers, rock hammers, ball pein hammers, claw hammers engineers hammers, and even rubber hammers. Come on in and we'll show you our hammers and help you select the one that best suits your needs.


Must-Have Tools For The Home

Here are a few other tools that make it easier to get those pesky DIY jobs done around the house.

1. Screwdriver

2. Measuring Tape

3. Hammer

4. Nails

5. Utility Knife

6. Pliers

7. C-Clamp

8. Power Drill

9. Wrench

10. Electric Cord

11. Wire Stripper

12. Flashlight

13. Ladder

14. Broom & Dustpan

15. Bucket

There is a serious item missing from this list, A Plunger! You can get it, and the other items on the list right here at Dunsmuir Hardware, Your local True Value Hardware Store.



You know you're getting older when...

Anyone else feeling the signs of age creeping in? We have a check-list of things that might suggest you're getting ready for retirement.

  1. You try to straighten out the wrinkles in your sock and discover you aren't wearing any.

  2. At the breakfast table, you hear snap, crackle, and pop, but you're not eating cereal.

  3. It takes longer to rest than it did to get tired.

  4. Happy Hour is a nap!

  5. You sink your teeth into a steak, and they stay there.

  6. Your idea of weight lifting is standing up.

  7. It takes two tries to get up from your easy chair.

  8. Your new "BEST FRIEND" is the pharmacist.

  9. You're starting to look like your drivers' license photo.

Here's the deal, our store is for sale. We bought L & L Hardware in 1975, changed the name to Dunsmuir Hardware, and have spent the last 45 years growing and shaping the business into what it is today. We've loved every one of those years, but 45 years is enough. We hope to pass the store on to a new owner and enjoy our retirement. Know anybody who might have an interest? Have them get in touch.

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