Here are some of the things that we get asked a lot – if you need information or have a question that isn’t covered here then click on contact us above and we’ll be happy to help.

· What does it mean to be a True Value Hardware Store? True Value is a cooperative buying group made up of over 5000 member stores like us. It is not a franchise or a “chain” as each store is independently owned but having so many member stores gives us the ability to get the best prices from our suppliers which we can pass on to our customers.
· Can I pay my Pacific Power bill at Dunsmuir Hardware? Yes – we are a Pacific Power pay station. We can accept your payment in cash, check or money order (no charge cards please) and issue a receipt and verification number. If you should have problems with your electric service or your billing or simply need to talk to the power company, you can call them direct at 1-888-221-7070.
· Do you accept charge cards for store purchases? We certainly do. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express.
· Do you sell California fishing and hunting licenses? Yes, we do.
· Do you sell guns and ammunition? Yes, we do, although we are not a “stocking” dealer. That is, we don’t carry any firearms in our store but can order virtually any handgun or long-gun a customer may want. We are licensed by the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, certified by the California Department of Justice, and we are a trained handgun safety instructor. We stock a large selection of ammunition and in addition, we are authorized to process transfers of firearms between individuals.
· Do you custom match paint colors? Yes, we do. Our line of True Value paint is highly rated by consumer reviews and we carry the full line – interior, exterior, latex, oil, primers, stains, and hundreds of colors are available.
· Are you open on Sundays? Yes – from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.
· Can I buy a Dunsmuir Hardware gift certificate? Yes – we’re happy to prepare a gift certificate for any occasion, personalized however you wish.
· Are any of the antiques in the store for sale? No – sorry. The antiques in our store reflect the heritage of our store and the town, and we truly enjoy folks coming in to see them. If we sold them then they wouldn’t be here to enjoy.
· There is something I need that I don’t see in the store – can you order it for me? Yes. We have access to a tremendous variety of products and are very happy to order for you at no additional cost. We get weekly deliveries from True Value and have many other suppliers too.
· I’ve heard that Dunsmuir Hardware is for sale. Is it true? Yes. The present owners have operated the store for over 40 years and are ready to pass it on to a new owner who appreciates how special it is. Interested? Get in touch.

Come Take A Look
Want to learn more about this amazing business opportunity? We’re open for business from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm Monday through Saturday and 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on Sundays. Come and see us in person, we’re at 5836 Dunsmuir Avenue Dunsmuir, California 96025
Want to phone us? It's (530)235-4539, If it’s after-hours there is an answering system so you can leave a message. We’ll get back to you. You can fax us at (530)235-2378. The fax machine is always on. You can email us at or